Theme camps are a pre-planned group of people camping together with a collective mission to provide a FREE unique experience or environment to the community of Beardfest. Theme camps might offer their own pre-planned events as an additional/alternative activity for Beardfest participants to attend or simply provide a common area for folks to gather and enjoy the space. Theme Camps (and individuals) are encouraged to curate whatever vibe most excites them--sky is the limit (with the exception of serving alcohol or prepared meals (prepackaged snacks are ok), which we cannot allow due to conflicts with our vendors and insurance).
Theme camp applications are now live for 2025! Deadline is May 16.
See below for answers to some commonly asked questions about theme camps.
How about "Play-doh's Closet," a camp with a public-facing clothing swap and Play-doh sculpture making area, where anyone can leave an item for the rack and take one they like in return, as well as sculpt Playdoh to their heart's content. This camp might feature a dressing room and/or a catwalk to strut your stuff, and/or run some kind of fashion show.
Here's another one: "Checkmate," a theme camp that has four chess boards set up with tables and chairs, offered to the community during daylight hours. This camp might offer an event on "how to play chess" as well as a tournament.
And one more, just because we were on a roll: "Big Fluff," a theme camp dedicated to all things fluffy that provides a giant, dry, illuminated cuddle puddle for everyone to enjoy 24/7.
We just made these up off the top of our head. We're SUPER excited to hear what spaces you and your friends want to curate at Beardfest this year!
To be honest, we noticed that many of our festival participants have already been organizing stuff like this for years--without any prompting. To us, it's a big part of what makes Beardfest so... well, Beardfest. It's not just the awesome curated entertainment, or even the fantastic workshops... What sets Beardfest apart is the feeling of community and engagement it fosters. It's that year after year, regardless of the lineup, the family reunion atmosphere pervades. YOU are what make Beardfest so Beardfest, and as such we want to encourage and highlight that which is most important: Our Beardfam.
Applications for 2025 are now live. Follow the link at the top of the page to submit your application. Application deadline is May 16.
Your application will be reviewed by a Beardfest organizer who will reach out to you with any further questions they may have. Once approved, your theme camp will be placed on the map to enable the best possible experience for everyone. For instance, we wouldn't want to put a meditation-centered camp directly next to a camp playing metal music at all hours! Your theme camp's description will also be listed on the Beardfest website and included in a pamphlet given out at the gate.
Although Beardfest will not be funding theme camps directly, individual participants within theme camps can apply for community/art grants for interactive pieces placed within/just outside their camps and ask for partial funding for particular events (with the exception of those food/beverage related). Please see the "Apply for an Art Grant" and "Host a Community Run Event" pages for more details.
On the whole, theme camps can set up and break down their infrastructure at the same time as everyone else: Thursday when gates open and out by Monday at 2pm. That being said, if your theme camp is planning on bringing it huge for the community to enjoy (kudos to you <3), we will have a limited number of early entry and extended stay passes available.
All Theme Camp members must also be Beardfest 2025 ticket holders. Being accepted as a Theme Camp does not grant entry into Beardfest.
Theme Camp members wishing to have a vehicle at their camp throughout the festival must purchase a Car Camping Pass.
Theme Camps are decommodified places where monetary transactions of ANY kind are not permitted. Theme camps may instead offer unconditional gifts.
Theme Camps are not permitted to promote events having to do with prepared food or alcoholic beverages.
Theme camps exemplify the ethos of the Beardfest community and as such will model all required rules and regulations as set forth by the festival organizers, including sound decibel guidelines for amplified music and generators.
No electricity is guaranteed for theme camps.
Theme Camps are "Leave No Trace" and are expected to leave their campsite in the same (or better) condition than when they arrived.
Theme Camps will separate their garbage and recycling and deposit it as according to the Trash Team's guidelines.
No subwoofers or pyrotechnics are permitted.
With the exception of "Red" Theme Camps who do not permit children, the communal sections of OPEN theme camps are expected to be welcoming and inclusive to all Beardfest festival attendees. Discrimination will not be tolerated.
Theme camps uphold the consent boundaries of the space and their inhabitants at all times. Theme camps can request their Beardfest Organizer Liaison (and if necessary security) at any time to remove a participant that is crossing consent boundaries.