Beardfest is expanding by a day!
More space for community run events
More space for acoustic jams and open mics
More space for theme camp activities
More space to relax and listen to the birds
More time with your friends in a beautiful place
And more opportunity for anything that this community wants to self-organize.
And, we'll cap it off with a closing ceremony in the evening.
This year we are turning Sunday into a full day, in which you can camp out and stay until Monday morning.
But it’s not just going to be another normal festival day;
let us explain.
It takes us months to plan and build the festival
And then we all come and we build our campsites, theme camps, art installations, and together we build this beautiful small town in the forest.
Which only really takes it’s full form by Saturday afternoon.
And then we break it ALL down the next day, and that just feels too quick.
And so we thought, after the huge explosion of energy that is Saturday Beardfest, wouldn’t it be nice to have a little more time in this beautiful place to just kind of bask in the glow of what we’ve all co-created?
And so Sunday won’t feature bands, it’ll just be an extra day for whatever the community wants to do.
In the evening we’ll cap things off with a closing ceremony, before camping out for one more night.
So whatever you want to offer the Beardfest community,
There is now a whole day dedicated to just that.
See you Sunday!